7. SEEK GUILT …… Luke 5:32
8. PRACTICE LOVE AND FORGIVENESS ON PURPOSE AND BY FAITH…………Mark 11:25 9. WORK ON YOUR STRENGTHS……… II Timothy 1:6 10. WITNESS BY ACCIDENT………Colossians 4:6 11. ASK DANGEROUSLY AND LISTEN FOR THE ANSWER………Matthew 7:7-11 12. DEFINE YOUR FAITH AND FACTOR FAITH INTO YOUR DECISIONS …..I Peter 3:15 13. GROW BY GRACE ………… Galatians 2, 3 14. FIND GOD'S PLAN (WILL) FOR YOUR LIFE ……Colossians 4:5 15. *READ AND UNDERSTAND THE (WHOLE) BIBLE ………PART 1… Psalm 119 PART 2… Ephesians 1 *includes brochure and markers 16. OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN …FEELING LIKE IT ……Psalm 34:10 17. KNOWING THE UNKNOWN OVERCOMING THE UNSEEN…. II Corinthians 10:3-5 18. DISCUSSION / ACTION QUESTIONS…………James 1:22-25 The Ararat Conspiracy is the chronicle of Sir Alfred Holland's adventure in pursuit of the most prized archaeological find since the Dead Sea Scrolls. What he claimed to have found is some very personal correspondence between the Apostle Paul and his son in the faith Timothy. In Sir Alfred's words what he has found is nothing less than "...the personal report of an unseen emenuensis reporting on the conversation of two giants of the faith discussing theology over tea." In all he discovered over twenty scrolls but was expelled from the fortress-monastery where he was a 'guest' and escaped with only his notes to validate his miraculous find. Almost a century later a Harvard archaeologist, Dr. Gregg James studied and translated Sir Alfred's findings. He published his personal commentary on what Sir Alfred claimed--and Dr. James believed--to be authentic first century documents. The chapters of his book shown here summarize his research on some of the scrolls he translated. |